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Possible Worlds: Listening to plants with Dr. Juliana España Keller

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Producer:Fondazzjoni Kreattivita
Admission Age:8+
Venue:Space A, Spazju Kreattiv
Price:Adult €8 | Child €5


Have you ever wondered what sounds plants make? What different voices might they have?

In this workshop, we will join Sound artist & Researcher, Educator, Dr. Juliana España Keller to explore the spaces around us through the materiality or medium? of sound. As sound explorers, we will navigate through the hallways and galleries of Spazju Kreattiv, listening with our ears, our feet, our bodies. When we return to the Possible Worlds exhibition, we will learn how we can listen to plants.Using all of these deep listening tools, and inspired by the sounds around us, we will create our own special soundscape drawings.


*Bring a yoga mat with you


Arts focus: Sound and Drawing

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