Waqt l-awdizzjoni l-atturi jridu jagħżlu 2 monologi, wieħed bl-Ingliż u wieħed bil-Malti:
The Curious Incident of a Dog in the Night – Time by Simon Stephens based on the novel by Mark Haddon
JUDY: Do you remember once when we were shopping in town together? And we went into Bentalls and it was really crowded and we had to get a Christmas present for GRandma? And you were frightened because of all the people in the shop. And you crouched down on the floor and put your hands over your ears and you were in the way of everyone so I got cross because I don’t like shopping at Christmas either, and I told you to behave and I tried to pick you up and move you. But you shouted and you knocked those mixers off the shelf and there was a big crash. And everyone turned round to see that you had wet yourself and I was so cross I wanted to take you out of the shop but you wouldn’t let me touch you and we just had to wait until you stopped screaming.
The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie
MISS CASEWELLl: Georgie, Georgie, you know me, don’t you? Don’t you remember the farm, Georgie? The animals, that fat old pig, and the day the bull chased up across the field. And the dogs. Yes, Spot and Plain. Yes, Kathy – you remember me now, don’t you? I came to England to find you. I didn’t recognize you until you twirled your hair the way you used to do. Yes, you always did it. Georgie, come with me. (Firmly) You’re coming with me. It’s alright, Georgie. I’m taking you somewhere where they will look after you, and see that you don’t do any more harm.
Primal Fear – adapted from the novel by William Diehl
MARTIN VAIL: Ladies and Gentlemen, that someone – and their possible accomplices- are still out there. And they’re at large because the State has refused to even look for any of the many people who potentially had a motive to kill one of the most prominent figures in this city. If you remain open to all the evidence, if you insist that the truth be discovered, then I am the one who is confident today- confident you will find Aaron Stampler not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and, in doing so, force the prosecution to do their job by bringing the real killers to justice. Thank you.
Jum fost l- Oħrajn – Oreste Calleja
MANAGER : Din qatt ma kont nistennieha minnek, Sur Todd. Jisgħobbija – jisgħobbija tassew li kellna niġu għal dan. B’xorti tajba imma l-każ issa jinsab f ’idejhom. Trid tidher quddiemhom minn hawn u siegħa oħra. Dak kulma nista’ ngħidlek. TODD: Siegħa oħra. Fejn? Fis-sala tas-seduti. TODD: Jiġifieri f ’dan l-istess bini. Naturalment. Fuq – it-tlettax-il sular. Li kont minnek kont immur inħejji ruħi sadanittant. Aħseb x’se tgħidilhom – kif ser taqbad tispjegalhom. U nagħtik parir, Sur Todd – inqas ma tgħid, aħjar. Wieġeb għal li jistaqsuk biss. Ftit kliem. Kelma żejda – innoċenti kemm hi innoċenti – u tispiċċa ddeffes lil ħaddieħor fix-xibka. Ftit kliem mela… Qed tifhimni? Qed ngħidlek għall-ġid tiegħek, naturalment. TODD: Iva. Grazzi. Niżżik ħajr. BIEB JINFETAĦ. L-għodwa t-tajba mela. Taqtax qalbek, Sur Todd.
GĦASFUR TAĊ-ĊOMB – Oreste Calleja
PETRA: Għax jien ukoll kont noħlom. Imma taf biex kont noħlom jien, Samwel? Kont noħlom b’raġel – raġel twil u mibrum – raġel b’għajnejh żoroq – xagħru twil u qastni. U jien nistennieh… U l-pass tiegħu fuq il-ħaxix, hekk kif jersaq lejja minn warajja kien ikun ħafif. Kienet dejjem l-istess ħolma, dak iż-żmien. / Issa? – issa inqas u inqas. Filgħaxija dejjem insibha itqal biex norqod – nistenna biss li nisma’ l-pass tqil u goff fil-kurutur barra l-kamra. / Eżra wkoll forsi – wieħed minnhom. Pass meqjus li jieqaf wara l-bieb, kull lejl, jistenna. U x-xewqa li niftaħlu u nħallih jidħol tikber dejjem aktar ġewwa fija – u darba meħlus il-mostru, x’jibqa’ jista’ jitturmentak? Biex forsi xi darba ninsa darba għal dejjem ir-raġel twil u mibrum b’għajnejh żoroq, ir-raġel xagħru twil u qastni, u l-pass ħafif tiegħu fuq il-ħaxix hekk kif jersaq lejja… Biex forsi xi darba nkun bħalkom ilkoll, jien ukoll.
L-awdizzjoni tinkludi wkoll ‘group workshop’.